
Peering through the mist. Fathoming the mystery.

In my previous Substack incarnation, I chose the persona Citizen Doctor, after the fourth Doctor Who — the reason for that choice can be found here.

Yes, that was the name. I was Gandalf. — Mithrandir

I began writing about Fractal Sovereignty in early 2022, trying once again to form a project team as I had tried to do eleven years before. Due to a lack of interest and a change in personal circumstances, my substack morphed into an album of my life in the spirit of the shaman Don Juan’s teachings. The last part of the album was a series of three articles with the title Metamystical Musings, a theme which I intend to continue in this incarnation. I was guided to complete the album by the end of 2022 and did so on Christmas Day, when I posted The Other Wise Man, a short story from 1895 that crossed my path in 1976 and set the tone for the remainder of my life. How fortunate was I, two decades later, to meet the spirit of Melchior.

A great king he was. — Merlin

I did not know if and when I would write articles again. At the beginning of 2023 I created this new account to follow my favorite writers. The pen name MisterY appeared in my mind upon request. It has a double meaning: on the one hand it is an intentional misspelling of mystery; on the other hand the capital-Y suggests the pronunciation Mister-Why, in homage to my last incarnation as Doctor-Who. I requested that I be alerted if there is more to write, by way of sign.

Three months later, a few days ago, the requested sign appeared in a supermarket in Spain:

The product is an air freshener (ambientador). Its name MISTERY is a play on “aerosol mist. Then a tagline came to me: Peering through the mist. Fathoming the mystery. I grinned when I read “neutraliza malos olores" (neutralizes bad odors). My approach to the problem of darkness in our world is for us to shine light, to illuminate, which has the effect of neutralizing darkness. Darkness is simply the absence of light. Did you know that the word “gu-ru” means “dispeller of darkness?” The darkness is not. It only seems to be by way of a spell. Break the spell, and the darkness is revealed as illusory. Familiar physical light has two aspects as evident in a laser beam: information and energy. Metaphysically, these two aspects are truth and love. We illuminate by broadcasting truth and radiating love.

Beacons by Bob Moran

As before, I will use this space to link to my comments:


Coming soon.

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Peering through the mist. Fathoming the mystery.